This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 4.1. Go to the current stable version

sitemap velux label="Velux Environment"
    Frame label="Velux Shutter and Window" {

        Switch  item=V_DG_M_W_OPEN
        Switch  item=V_DG_M_W_UNLOCKED
        Switch  item=V_DG_M_W_CLOSED
        Slider  item=V_DG_M_W
    Frame label="Velux Bridge Status" {
        Text    item=V_BRIDGE_STATUS
        Text    item=V_BRIDGE_TIMESTAMP
        Switch  item=V_BRIDGE_RELOAD

    Frame label="Velux Bridge Status" {
        Switch  item=V_BRIDGE_DETECTION  
        Text    item=V_BRIDGE_CHECK
        Text    item=V_BRIDGE_SCENES
        Text    item=V_BRIDGE_PRODUCTS

    Frame label="Velux Bridge Configuration" {
        Text    item=V_BRIDGE_FIRMWARE
        Text    item=V_BRIDGE_IPADDRESS
        Text    item=V_BRIDGE_SUBNETMASK
        Text    item=V_BRIDGE_DEFAULTGW
        Switch  item=V_BRIDGE_DHCP
        Text    item=V_BRIDGE_WLANSSID
        Text    item=V_BRIDGE_WLANPASSWD    